*** SOLD ***
Lone Mountain Ranch
Santa Cruz and Cochise County, Arizona
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The Lone Mountain Ranch is located in the Canelo Hills, the Huachuca Mountains, and on the eastern slopes of the San Rafael Valley. It lies east of Patagonia, Arizona and south of Sonoita, Elgin, Canelo, and both south and east of Fort Huachuca. The ranch is operated from two headquarters, the Sunnyside Ranch Headquarters and the PO Ranch Headquarters.
There are several different ways to reach the Sunnyside Ranch Headquarters by roads. The easiest way is probably by taking State Highway 83 from Sonoita to Parker Canyon Lake and going on from there using USFS Road 48. It is 31 road miles from Sonoita to the Sunnyside Headquarters by this route.
Several routes to the PO Headquarters are available, but it is probably best reached by driving southeast from Patagonia on USFS Road # 58 to its junction with USFS Road #813, and from there continuing southeastward to USFS Road #766. USFS Road #766 can be used to access the PO Headquarters. The distance from Patagonia to the PO Headquarters by this route is about 22.5 road miles.
General Description
The Lone Mountain Ranch is one of Southern Arizona’s last remaining big, working cattle ranches. Portions of the ranch are nearly level or gently rolling, while other parts of the ranch are mountainous. The ranch stretches almost from the floor of the San Rafael Valley to the ridgeline of the Huachuca Mountains. In between are thousands of acres of some of Southern Arizona’s most dramatically beautiful ranching country.
Carrying Capacity
The Lone Mountain Ranch Grazing Allotment is currently rated by the United States Forest Service at 950 head of cattle, year-round.
Size and Land Tenure
The Lone Mountain ranch contains approximately 52,264 acres.
Deeded Land The deeded land is comprised of two parcels totaling 98.48 acres. The eastern parcel, known as the Sunnyside Headquarters, contains 58.48 acres surrounded by National Forest land. The western parcel, known as the PO Headquarters, contains 40 acres surrounded by National Forest land.
Grazing Permit Containing approximately 52,165 acres, the Lone Mountain Grazing Allotment No. 326 is the largest grazing allotment on the Sierra Vista District of the Coronado National Forest. It is a ten year term permit for 950 head of cattle year-long, with an annual validation that determines the number of cattle to be run during the coming year.
Elevation, Climate & Precipitation
Elevations on the Lone Mountain Ranch vary from slightly under 4,800 feet in the Parker Pasture to nearly 9,300 feet on the upper slopes of Miller Peak in the Boot Jack Pasture.
With summers and winters that are relatively mild, annual rainfall at the headquarters usually ranges from 14 to 22 inches. Daytime temperatures in the summer seldom reach 100 degrees, and generally reside in the upper 80’s and lower 90’s; summer nights are cool. Winter days are pleasant, with afternoon temperatures usually in the 60’s and, occasionally, in the 70’s and even the lower 80’s. From November to March, nights frequently bring temperatures below freezing in the early hours of the morning.
Forage and Vegetation
Given the range of elevation within the boundaries of the Lone Mountain Ranch, there is a wide variety of grasses, forbs, shrubs and trees on the property. Perennial grasses on the ranch include blue grama, sideoats grama, hairy grama, sprucetop grama, purple grama, Texas timothy, curly mesquite, vine mesquite, cane beardgrass, plains lovegrass, and several others. A few annuals can also be found. Shrubby species include cliff rose, manzanita, mountain mahogany, ceanothus, and scrub oak. Riparian areas support sycamore, cottonwood, black walnut, and ash trees. Oak and juniper trees are abundant at lower elevations, and pine trees are found at upper elevations.
Sunnyside. The Sunnyside Ranch Headquarters includes a 1,836 square foot, three bedroom ranch house constructed of burnt adobe brick, and a 1,292 square foot barn of wood pole construction with tin siding and roof. The barn has a dirt floor. Other outbuildings and facilities include an incinerator for burning trash, an underground root cellar, a generator shed, and livestock corrals. Corral facilities include a 5,000 pound set of livestock scales. (The scales are in need of repair.)
PO. The PO Ranch Headquarters includes a 2,248 square foot, three bedroom ranch house constructed of concrete block. It also includes a 1,144 square foot Mechanic Shop built of adobe. Several other small outbuildings together with corrals and livestock scales for weighing cattle are located at the PO Headquarters.
Briefly described, the Lone Mountain Ranch is operated on a rest-rotational grazing plan with management utilizing three groups of cattle- the Sunnyside Herd, the Lone Mountain Herd, and the PO Herd. The mostly cross-bred cow herd is exposed to Limousine bulls year-round, and marketing occurs on a year-round basis, also. At present, most of the marketing is accomplished by hauling calves and cull cows and bulls to either the Willcox Livestock Auction or the Marana Livestock Auction.
Domestic Water Domestic water on the Lone Mountain is obtained from private wells.
Livestock Water Livestock water is obtained from wells, pipelines supplied by wells and springs, numerous earthen dam runoff tanks, natural springs, and from running streams.
Utilities are provided at the ranch as follows:
Electricity. By generators. The ranch is “off the grid.”
Telephone. Telephone service is provided by Qwest. Lines are underground to both of the headquarters.
Sewage Disposal. By septic tanks and leaching field for each residential dwelling.
Children at the PO Ranch Headquarters attend grades K through 12 in the town of Patagonia. Children at the Sunnyside Ranch Headquarters can attend schools in Palominas or Elgin, or may be home-schooled.
Zoning, Property Taxes and Grazing Fees
The private land at the Sunnyside lies in Cochise County and is zoned RU-4; the land at the PO is situated in Santa Cruz County, and is zoned GR. Property taxes for 2010 were $2,865.08. Grazing fees on USFS land for 2011 are set at $1.35 per AUM.
Price, Terms and Conditions
The Lone Mountain Ranch is for sale for $1,650,000 without cattle. Terms: Cash. The ranch is SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.