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Santa Nino Ranch
Santa Cruz County, Arizona
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The north border of the Santo Nino is located seven miles SE of Patagonia, Arizona with the southern border located approximately one mile north of Mexico. It is situated on the western edge of the San Rafael Valley in the beautiful and productive Coronado National Forest.
Steep hills and ridges with many draws, meadows, and canyons make up this beautiful ranch. Picturesque seasonal creeks flow through the gorgeous scenery of the Coronado National Forest.
Carrying Capacity
The carrying capacity of the Duquesne Allotment No 50381 is 185 cow/calf units year-long.
Size and Land Tenure
The Santo Nino is approximately 12,536 acres.
Deeded Land. The Santo Nino consists of two parcels of approximately 62 acres. The smaller parcel of 13.4 acres includes the headquarters with two homes, horse barn, and working corrals. The larger parcel is 48.87 acres accessible from Harshaw Road and surrounded on three sides by the Coronado National Forest.
Forage and Vegetation
The healthy and diverse population of the ranch consists of many perennials such as blue grama, sideoats grama, hairy grama, sprucetop grama, purple grama, Texas timothy, green sprangletop, cane beardgrass, curly mesquite, plains lovegrass, and several different muhlenbergias can be found in abundance. Annual grasses are present but not as abundant as perennials. Browse species include verbena, lupine, sida, Arizona blue eyes, hog potato, and fleabane. Oak, juniper, manzanita, and mesquite trees thrive on the hills and ridges along with ash, sycamore, and cottonwood trees in riparian areas in canyon bottoms.
Elevation and Precipitation
The elevation ranges from five to seven thousand feet above sea level. The documented rainfall over the last five years is 24.00 inches varying from 33.07 inches in 2010 to 17.62 inches in 2009. Temperatures are mild with summer highs in the low nineties to winter lows sometimes falling to the teens.
Ranch House. Custom built in 1999, this slump block 3,000 square foot home is extremely well built and beautiful. Three bedrooms, 2 full baths and 2 half baths, it is centrally air conditioned with propane heat. Extras include rock fireplaces, upgraded tile, counter tops and cabinets, and vaulted ceilings with many more too numerous to list. Two car garage.
Cowboy/Guest House
Built in 2008, this very nice 543 square foot home includes a wood stove, propane heat, and a swamp cooler.
Block construction. 36X40 with horse runs.
Nine sets of corrals, two of the nine with manual squeeze chutes, and six additional traps.
One domestic well at the headquarters house with five additional wells for stock water and two year-round springs. This ranch is very well-watered with four dirt tanks, thirteen miles of pipeline, twenty-six drinkers, and ten water storage facilities.
Electricity. Unisource Energy
Telephone. Century Link
Gas. Propane is available from several different companies that deliver product.
Sewage Disposal. Septic tank and leaching field.
Patagonia K-12 public school is approximately eight miles north of ranch.
Zoning, Property Taxes, and Grazing Fees.
Private land zoned GR. 2011 taxes were $2536.94 for the two parcels. Grazing fees payable to the USFS are $1.35/AUM.
Diverse wildlife inhabit the Santo Nino Ranch including whitetail deer, mule deer, javelina, coyotes, wild turkeys, bobcats, and numerous small game with occasional mountain lion and black bear. Mearns Quail are present along with numerous species of birds and waterfowl.
Price, Terms, Conditions
Santo Nino Ranch including seventy seven cows, twenty-one replacement heifers, and thirteen breeding bulls is for sale for $899,000.00 cash.
The ranch is shown by appointment only. To schedule a showing contact Sam Hubbell or Tom Hardesty at Headquarters West, Ltd. In Sonoita, Arizona.
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