
Weeping Lovegrass
Eragróstis cúrvula

Produces excellent pastures in early spring and fall if grazed close enough to keep the forage tender. Does well on drained soil, especially on sandy loams. Responds well to nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers with more forage and increases in protein and carotin.

Originally from South Africa (imported in 1927), it is found throughout the southern plains, including Texas, Oklahoma, south New Mexico, Arizona, south Nevada and eastern California.

Sand Lovegrass

Eragróstis trichódes

Tall, leafy, warm-seasons perrennial bunchgrass. Called the "ice-cream grass" because of its palatability. Decreases rapidly when grazed continuously closer than 5-8 inches. Produces a deep and thick root system.

Generally found in the central great lains from Illinois to Colorado and Texas

Pasture and Range Plants, Phillips Petroleum Company, 1963