Serving Arizona and the Southwest's rural real estate community since 1983
Designated Broker Walter Lane
Qualifications of Traegen Knight
Agent and Appraiser

Traegen Knight
Agent and Appraiser

PO BOX 1980
St. Johns, AZ 85936
Ph:(602) 228-3494
Cell:(602) 228-3494
Txt:YES - feel free to text (602) 228-3494

Traegen grew up in Springerville, Arizona working on his family's ranch. In youth he was heavily involved in 4-H and FFA through high school. Traegen obtained a B.S. degree in Agribusiness from Arizona State University in 1999 and began a career in farm and ranch real state in 2000.

Traegen joined Headquarters West, Ltd. In 2004 where he performs appraisal writing on farms and ranches of various sizes throughout Arizona and New Mexico. He provides real estate consulting, management, land research, mineral/water lease and royalty negotiations. Traegen has served as an expert witness providing testimony for administrative hearings on real estate values and ranch management as well as real estate depositions. He performs ranch, farm and property sales and marketing throughout Arizona and New Mexico. He is also an estate executor for a large ranching family in Arizona. Traegen recently served as a commissioner on a three member panel for a large real estate partition case in northern Arizona. Traegen, along with his wife Marilyn and their five children, own and operator a 500+ head commercial cow/calf business in northern Arizona. Volunteer work includes helping with the local 4-H activities, Apache County Fair, Boys & Girls Club, youth basketball and the Arizona National Livestock Show.

Professional License

Arizona Real Estate Salesperson License - #686603
Arizona Certified General Real Estate Appraiser - #31167

Agricultural and Civic Organizations

American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers
Arizona Cattle Grower's Association
National FFA Alumni Association - Lifetime Member
Arizona State FFA Alumni Association - Lifetime Member
Apache County Fair
Boys & Girls Club
Youth Basketball
Arizona National Livestock Show - Auction Committee Member


B.S. Degree in Agribusiness from ASU, 1999

Technical Training

Advanced Rural Appraisal
Appraising Conservation Easements
Principles of Rural Appraisal
Uniform Standard of Professional Appraisal Practice
Fundamentals of Rural Appraisal
Rural Business Valuation
Advanced Sales Confirmation
Real Estate Sales Licensing
Eminent Domain
Intro to Contract Writing
Highest and Best Use
Tax Analysis I & II
Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions

Partial List of Clients

NM and AZ Land Company Anderson Clayton Corp.
Farm Credit Services Southwest Grand Canyon Trust
Babbitt Ranches Farm Service Agency
Bank One Zuni Tribe
ORO - JJJ Corp. Cole Companies
Wells Fargo Bank Bar T Bar Ranch
Salt River Project Great Basin Land & Water
The Stockmen's Bank C Spear Ranch
Arizona State Land Dept. Olsen-Smith Ltd.
Arizona Cattle Growers Assoc. Landgly Properties
LDS Church BHP Mining
Meixler Investment Management Hopi Tribe
Dobson Family Farms Lands Crop of Arizona
Arizona Land & Water Snell & Wilmer
Catholic Church - Gallup Diocese US Forest Service
H Bar V Ranch Hunt Oil
AZ Game & Fish Badge Creek Corp.

Current Listings

Bigelow 35 acres
Apache County


80 Acre Mountain Retreat
Apache County


Selected Recent Sales

Little Colorado Ranch
Apache County

The ranch consists of a mixture of private, state and blm lease lands with nearly three miles of the Little Colorado River running through the ranch. Two miles of the river are on deeded land with 140 acres irrigated farmland lying on both banks of the river. There is an additional 260 acres of sub-irrigated meadow and riparian land within the ranch. The meadow and irrigated farm are planted in improved permanent pasture and utilized for livestock grazing during the summer months. The Little Colorado River is a live, year-round running stream which provides bountiful livestock water. Decreed surface water rights are utilized to irrigate pastures and supplemented with two irrigation wells in dry periods. The farm is watered primarily with gravity flow ditch and flood irrigation by gated pipe. Cattle have historically been grazed on the farm during the summer months and moved to the native rangeland in the winter. The ranch headquarters includes a historic adobe home overlooking the main farm with several barns and outbuildings. Additional buildings include a managers house, shop, tack barn and hay barn. There is a full set of steel working corrals near the manager's house. The winter pastures on the ranch are primarily native range on the State grazing lease surrounding the farm. The ranch is fenced and cross-fenced for a simple rotational grazing system.

The ranch also includes significant rock and gravel resources including basalt, limestone and sand/gravel. This resource has the potential to provide significant income to the property.


Goodwater Ranch
Navajo & Apache Counties

The tenure of Goodwater Ranch is in a long narrow strip of rangeland being between two and four miles wide (north to south) and twelve miles long (east to west) with Arizona State and BLM lands being mixed with large areas of open range for use as adverse grazing. These are private lands owned by numerous different landowners, some with scattered houses on the property. The range is considered open range or adverse grazing as the properties are available for grazing use while not fenced. The northern boundary of the ranch is I-40 and the south boundary is the Santa Fe Railroad. The dominating topographic feature is the Puerco River lying adjacent to the railroad. The ranch is mainly rolling grassy hills with wide sweeping draws falling southward to the river bottom. Elevation ranges from 5,300' to 5,800', and the Headquarters situated at 5,400'. Topography is sloping to rolling to mesas. Vegetation is Plains & Desert Grassland. There are 342 acres of private land on the ranch with the majority being located in one contiguous block around the headquarters of the ranch near the center of the grazing area and directly adjacent to the railroad. The headquarters site includes approximately 100 acres of fallow farmland which was historically watered by two irrigation wells. The farm has been fallow for over thirty years and the condition of the well equipment is unknown


St. Johns River Ranch
Apache County

The River Ranch is roughly rectangular in shape being three miles from north to south and one mile from east to west and a half mile wide at the narrowest portion. The Little Colorado River (LCR) runs from east to west through the center of the property on the deeded land. Improvements consist of boundary fencing and a windmill along the LCR with a small set of livestock holding corrals. The windmill and corrals are located near the center of the ranch along the LCR.

$675,000 - cash

Old Greer Ranch
St. Johns, Apache County

Topography is level to gently rolling hills with open grasslands and some browse species. The deeded land reaches eastward back toward St. Johns up on the hill just west of town. There are no building improvements on the ranch with contributory value. There is one old, homestead adobe house which is partial caved in beginning to fall down. The eastern property has several small springs on the property which feeds two small ponds for livestock water and sub-irrigates over 40 acres of pasture. Historically, the springs were used to irrigate a small orchard, garden and some pasture in front of the homestead.

$735,000 - cash

Roer Farm
Buckeye, Maricopa County

The property is primarily irrigated farmland currently in bermuda and alfalfa fields utilized for baled hay. A portion of the property is native desert consisting of thick mesquite and tamarisk brush. The property is served by the Buckeye Water and Conservation Drainage District. The Arlington Canal crosses through a portion of the property. There are two existing sites containing buildings each containing mobile homes and various farm out buildings.


Rancho San Juan
St. Johns, Apache County

Rancho San Juan is located immediately adjacent to the town of St. Johns, Arizona in Apache County. The property includes a nice combination of farm and ranch acreage with nice facilities to handle 53 AU and wean/background calves on the farm. Containing over 4,000 acres deeded, this ranch is a nice investment prospect.


Alpine 85 acres
Apache County

Very private, large acreage property in Alpine, AZ with numerous building sites and majestic views. 85+/- acres with all utilities available on the property, excellent get-a-way with room to build.


Hay Hollow Farm
Navajo County


Hunt Valley Farm
Apache County

891 deeded acres (210 irrigated) 21 miles East of Saint Johns on US 180 and 39 miles SE of Holbrook.


Skully Creek Ranch
Greenlee County

8,500 acres (1,440 deeded) 40 miles NE of Safford in Greenlee County. 94 AU. 1,900 sq. ft. home overlooking Skully Creek Canyon.


Indian Springs Ranch
Cochise County

52 AU with 1,480 deeded acres & BLM grazing lease in Cochise County approximately 14 miles northeast of San Simon, Arizona. The ranch is located just over 12 miles off the paved highway at the end of Indian Springs Road in the Peloncillo Mountains. Headquarters improvements include two ranch houses and horse corrals with shades. The ranch is very private and secluded with lots of water. Livestock water is provided by numerous springs and three private wells. The water wells are pumped via solar with water levels all less than 100'. Private land controls access to thousands of acres in the Peloncillo Wilderness.


Goodwater Ranch
Navajo and Apache Counties, Arizona

Located eight miles East of Holbrook; 18,298 total acres (347.28 deeded); 200 AU.


60 acre Eagar Mountain Retreat
Apache County

This unique 60-acre estate offers unparalleled opportunities for a horse property, homestead, or mountain getaway. Formerly operated as a zoo, farm, and market garden, this property is rich with potential including irrigation, residential development or commercial.


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Disclaimer: This information was obtained from sources deemed to be reliable but is not guaranteed by the Broker. Prospective buyers should check all the facts to their satisfaction. The property is subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal.